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12 Days of Radio Station Signage Recap – Match the Station with Its Sign

The 12 Days of Radio Station Signs

The 12 Days of Radio Station Signs

Happy Impending New Year! Now that I’ve wrapped up my 12 Days of Radio Station Signage series, here’s an opportunity for you to match each sign with its corresponding station. Some of them are obvious if you look closely at the pictures, others may be a bit more challenging. Ready, set, go!

Day 1: Do Not Spray

Day 2: Dead Fish

Day 3: You are Being Monitored

Day 4: Zero Tolerance Graffiti Policy

Day 5: Never Use Swear Words

Day 6: Please Put Records and CDs Back

Day 7: File Your Records Diagram

Day 8: Mic Technique

Day 9: Seven Deadly Words

Day 10: CD and LP Library Alphabetization

Day 11: When this Light is On…Shut Up!

Day 12: Don’t Go Back Here or Touch Anything

Guess Which Station Goes with Which Sign

Guess Which Station Goes with Which Sign

Here are the stations where these photos were taken (in alphabetical order):




KEAR-AM (Family Radio Headquarters)



KUSF in Exile






If you want to guess which station goes with which sign, please include a comment below. Good luck!

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