Everybody is saying that the Republicans are going to have to engage in some “soul searching” in the wake of yesterday’s Obama victory. I’m not hearing a whole lot of that from Rush Limbaugh. “What are we supposed to do now?” the Rushbo asks. “In order to get the Hispanic or Latino vote, does that […]
Tag Archives | Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck: not even Jesus could save me from American Airlines
As talk radio listeners know, Glenn Beck has been on a tirade against American Airlines for two days now (here and here). Beck says an AA staffer was rude to him on first class: “My flight attendant nearly — merely barked the word ‘breakfast’ when he came to me. When others were politely asked if […]

Read some of the best writing about talk radio
Every weekend Slate shares a Longform-curated selection of non-fiction pieces about a common topic. This weekend the topic was talk radio, and all of these articles should be of interest to Radio Survivor readers. I’m still working through the list myself, including the history of the fundamentalist Christian settlement of Zion, Illinois and its pioneering […]
Glenn Beck spends new $100 million radio contract on lemonade
Flush from his new $100 million five year radio deal with Premiere Networks, Glenn Beck is going to bat for the latest poster child for the American right, lemonade stands. “I don’t know about you but I just can’t take it any more . . . we can’t have any lemonade stands,” he’s lamenting on […]

The Past Week In Radio
Catch up on stories you might have missed from the past week in radio. Dirty Money Talk radio’s biggest names are paid millions of dollars to “use a script, outline or set of talking points,” according to a new report. The Heritage Foundation pays roughly $2m for Rush Limbaugh and $1.3 for Sean Hannity. Glenn […]
Conservative AM talk is the new home for aging shock jocks
Long-time Chicago radio host Mancow Muller lost his last hometown gig last February when he was canned from Citadel Broadcasting‘s AM talk powerhouse WLS. But the Mancow has many lives, it seems. While he won’t be back on the air in Chicago, Vocalo’s Robert Feder reports that Mancow will be the new Sunday evening host […]

The Death of Air America: It's the Ownership, Stupid!
Conservative commentators may be cackling about the failure of Air America radio, trying to make it into an indicator for both the inherent weakness of liberal-leaning radio and liberal politics. But any reasoned analysis of the radio industry demonstrates that neither is the case. Rush Limbaugh, in particular, and the rest of the nation’s most […]