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Tag Archives | 87.9FM

high school radio station KSFH's former studio

FCC Approves St. Francis High School Radio Station’s Assignment to Mountain View Public Broadcasting – Is this the End of 87.9 FM?

In late 2014, St. Francis High School in Mountain View, California submitted paperwork to sell its KSFH-FM license to Mountain View Public Broadcasting. The assignment of the 87.9 FM non-commercial class D high school radio license (a rarity, as there are only a few licensed radio stations on 87.9 FM) was just approved by the […]

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high school radio station KSFH's former studio

St. Francis High School Files Paperwork to Sell KSFH to Group Focused on South Asian Community

St. Francis High School in Mountain View, California has filed paperwork with the FCC in the hopes of assigning its class D 87.9 FM high school radio license for KSFH-FM to Mountain View Public Broadcasting. According to the asset purchase agreement, the sale price is $20,000. The long-time high school radio station has been for […]

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87.9 FM pirate stations at risk?

Pirates on 87.9FM at Greater Risk?

I was disappointed but unsurprised to learn about the end of Pirate Cat Radio’s unlicensed FM broadcast resulting from the FCC issuing a notice of apparent liability (NAL) to Pirate Cat’s operator Monkey Man a/k/a Daniel K. Roberts. However, I am surprised at how long Pirate Cat was able to make a go of it […]

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Pirate Cat Leaving Terrestrial Radio

Pirate Cat Radio Fined by FCC and Ceases Terrestrial Broadcast

It was probably only a matter of time before the FCC would catch up with San Francisco’s Pirate Cat Radio. The unlicensed broadcaster was increasingly putting itself in the public eye by operating a cafe adjacent to its studio, granting interviews with mainstream press, and even appearing on the national television show No Reservations this […]

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