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Tag Archives | FlirtFM

Podcast 266 - FLIRM FM at 25

Podcast #266 – Flirt FM Celebrates 25 Years of College & Community Radio in Ireland

Flirt FM at the National University of Ireland at Galway was one of the first “community of interest” stations to go on the air in that nation. Effectively, this means it was a trailblazing college and community station, hitting the air not long after the state broadcast monopoly began to erode in 1988. Andrew Ó […]

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Podcast 178 - Irish Pirate Radio Archive

Podcast #178 – Irish Pirate Radio Archive

For about a decade, ending in 1988, pirate stations dominated the Irish radio bands, exploiting a loophole in the law that made punishments for unlicensed broadcasting on par with a speeding ticket. Now the sounds and artifacts of this cultural movement are being preserved online in the Irish Pirate Radio Archive. Archive co-founders Brian Greene […]

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